
Feeling fit forever begins inside of us, in our thoughts and beliefs.

My journey of health and fitness has been a great adventure in how I live my life. I lost 100 pounds, on my own, from January 2010 to July 2011. I had a deep desire to make healthy changes in my life but I did not know how at the time. I read everything I could about health and fitness and it always led me to learn even more things that I never would have known to learn, if I didn’t start. We all have to start from where we are, then keep going, to have the adventure of our own personal journey. It was very hard for me to start from where I was back then because I had no idea of many things, but I did not let it stop me. I felt very strongly in my gut that there was a much better life for me ahead and that I just needed to push myself to start my journey and keep going. I love all the great changes I have made over the years and that I continue to learn and grow in everything including what I know, how I think, and in how I do everything in my life. The more I learn, the more I find that I need to learn. I love learning all the different complexities and digging deeper. Today, in 2019, it is amazing to me all the many different things I have learned and I absolutely love my new life and plan on continued learning for a lifetime.

Health and fitness is my passion. I want to share it with you. I want to help you in all areas of health and fitness because I believe they are all connected. I believe that we all need to be our very best, in order to give our very best. We must learn to listen to our bodies and learn about our bodies continually. You can be the best for yourself and your loved ones. Learn to listen to your body, know what to do and what not to do. Start your journey of total health and fitness today.

First we must believe that we can obtain our goal, and then we must see it coming true in our minds. Visualizing obtaining our goals. Consistently and diligently every day. Be mindful of all you do and don’t do. Everything matters. Yet nothing matters more than what we believe. Focus on your goal with great determination and decide what other things in your life are not worth putting the time into right now. We need to put as much time as we can into obtaining our goals, and decide what we can do without.

It takes 10,000 hours to be really good at something, no matter what it is. Be patient and put the time into what matters most to you. But you must make sure you use good form or your 10,000 hours will reflect it and you will only be as good as your form.

Everything we put into our bodies is either helping us or hurting us. This goes for everything including food, drink, and what we feed our minds and souls with thoughts and people in our environmemnt. Choose very carefully who you spend time with and what you allow to effect your thoughts. We must be diligent in what we let surround us in our environment.

We must question everything first. Is it helping us towards our goal or not. Do not go blindly through your day. Mindfully create the life you want. Knowledge is power. With good health we really can do anything. The sky is the limit when you have good health. Strength comes from within and shines outward. When your light shines, you become a magnet that attracts more light. Give light where it is needed, help others and your light shines brighter. You can’t help but feel good when you know you have helped someone else.

Seek light to grow in your goals and shine on brightly every day.

lorraine photo for feelfitforever



I am a proud member of the ACSM. I am working towards my certification. It is the most professionally accepted and sought after certification and is the gold standard world wide. http://www.acsm.org

Honored to have been selected as an Inknburn Ambassador for 2018

Honored to have been selected as a Skirt Sports Ambassador Captain for 2017

#skirtsports #skirtsportsambassador #realwomenmove

Proud to be sponsored by Swiftwick, the best socks in the world! #chaseadventure


Proud to be sponsored by Runner’s Beans, the best way to #runhealthy It’s a Daily Tonic packed with vitamins & minerals every runner needs to be their best! #runrecoverrepeat

Proud to have been sponsored by Pearl Izumi for 2015 and 2016.


8 thoughts on “About

    • Thank you so very much! That means the world to me! I LOVE when I can help people and say what they need to hear. I really appreciate you taking the time to post this very flattering compliment 🙂 Thanks again and please know your feedback is always welcome 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is awesome. Some good, inspiring read. I not only love reading what I read from your blog but I put it or rather try put it in my very busy schedule. Thank you for your time and will to help us out here

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